WinEXIT Version 3.20 Copyright (c)1990-1993 by Howard Silver Silverware Consulting CompuServ - 76675,3476 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ZIP file DISK.ZIP contains the installation disk for WinEXIT 3.20. You need version 2.04c or greater of PKUNZIP to unzip this file. To install, first unzip DISK.ZIP into either an empty directory on your hard drive, or unzip it onto a floppy disk. It will take up about 900KB of space when unzipped. This will allow it to fit on either a high-density 5.25" (1.2meg) or a high-density 3.5" (1.44 meg) floppy disk. After unzipping DISK.ZIP, run the SETUP program. This is a Windows-based setup program. This program will install WinEXIT on your system. DISK.ZIP also contains a file called README.TXT, which contains additional information. After installation, the WinEXIT Windows HELP file contains the most complete information on WinEXIT.